IASH Pro L1 Training Schedule

Day - 1

9 am – 5 pm
(15 Minutes Tea Break at 11 am & 4 pm, Lunch Break 1 pm – 2 pm)

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Sound Healing Science - Lecture with Audio-visual Presentation
  • 3. Science & philosophy of Singing Bowl as one of the world's most powerful SOUND healing instruments

The therapeutic approach of playing the Singing Bowl
Demonstration & Hands-on Training

Day - 2

9 am – 5 pm
(15 Minutes Tea Break at 11 am & 4 pm, Lunch Break 1 pm – 2 pm)

Brain Wave Relaxation Therapy:

Extremely powerful sound therapy for deep relaxation, stress reduction & activation of self-healing mechanism to heal several kinds of Stress-related physical, mental & emotional distress.

Hands-on training
Feedback, Q & A Session

Group Healing Session

One of the most powerful Meditations & Healing sessions with the power of Sacred Sound.A Unique Approach to heal our family/ friends with the amazing healing powers of SOUND and even work as professionals to offer this therapy for a large gathering.

Group Healing Session
Hands-on Training
Feedback, Q & A Session

Hand & Foot Reflex Sound Therapy:

A gentle & highly effective approach to healing circulatory ailments ( foot reflex zones ) and Hypertension / High blood pressure ( Hand reflex zones ). This therapy is also a wonderful approach with SOUND to heal all the major organs in our body, related to hand & foot reflex zones.

Feedback, Q & A Session

Day - 3

9 am – 5 pm
(15 Minutes Tea Break at 11 am & 4 pm, Lunch Break 1 pm – 2 pm)

Mind Detoxification Therapy

How to reduce anger, depression, anxiety, etc. to the zero level and enhance positive qualities like Peace, Joy, Self-confidence, and Mind concentration with the healing powers of Sound.

Feedback, Q & A Session

Aura Cleansing & Strengthening with the Sacred SOUND

A Powerful Therapy for Chronic & Critical Illnesses

Treatment of general physical ailments:

How to heal several kinds of general physical ailments with Sound medicine i.e. Joint Pain, Digestive Disorders, Headache, Neck Tension, Shoulder Tension, Migraine, Lower back pain etc.

Feedback, Q & A Session

Day - 4

9 am – 5 pm
(15 Minutes Tea Break at 11 am & 4 pm, Lunch Break 1 pm – 2 pm)

Self Healing

Hands on Training
Feedback, Q & A Session

Cellular Detox Therapy:

IASH cellular Detoxification therapy with SOUND is an extremely beneficial therapy that can be professionally applied to heal & help people suffering from diseases at cellular level.

Naturally, our cells have the ability to vibrate at a very high level.
But, when we are exposed to or consume more toxins than our body can efficiently eliminate our body is forced to store the excess toxins in our cells, leading to lower vibration and dis-ease.

Cellular Detox therapy activates inner healing mechanism & starts pushing all sorts of poisons out of the body to heal several kinds of general as well as chronic & critical disorder/diseases within the body.

Hands on Training
Feedback, Q & A Session

Professional Application of SOUND medicine

1. To Help & Heal Children
2. Pregnancy
3. Better Relationship
4. Overcome Addiction
5. Pets Care
6. Treatment of Critical, physical, mental & emotional Disorders

Lecture, Demonstration
Q & A Session

Certifications, Group Photo