Basic Level 1 Sound Healing and Training Workshop with E-Certification

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SOUND : The Ultimate Medicine for Body, Mind & Spirit - Basic Level 1 Sound Healing & Training Workshop ( 3 hrs. )

An internationally acclaimed, Mind, Body, and Spirit detoxification and realignment workshop with the world’s one of the most amazing & powerful, Sound healing instruments IASH Singing Bowls.

This workshop covers different aspects of Sound Healing with scientific lectures, Audiovisual presentations & live demonstrations of the different forms of healing, and therapies with Singing bowls to heal several kinds of modern lifestyle health disorders with a very practical approach & effortless in our day to day life.

This is one of the world’s of unique workshops, offered by “The International Academy of Sound Healing”, with tremendous success and global recognition, worldwide, to help people in their quest to bring balance & harmony in each facet of their lives i.e. Good health, Better Relationship, Prosperity & Spirituality.

IASH Sound Therapies with Singing Bowls is a scientific & proven modality and has been accepted with tremendous approval in Europe, USA & Orient and is becoming the forerunner of Sound Therapy, worldwide.

Salient features of the workshop:

  1.  Introduction to Science of Sound Healing
  2. Experience the life-transforming healing powers of SOUND in one of the world’s most amazing Meditation Session with Singing Bowls
  3. Explanation & Demonstration on how SOUND can be applied in our day to day life to heal & help us with several kinds of physical, mental & emotional disorders.
  4. Question & Answer Session

Workshop Locations: India, USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, South & Central America, Mexico & Australia
Enrollment Limit: 50 to 1000 participants

Registration Eligibility: Open for all

Workshop Contribution :
INDIA: INR 2999 + 18% GST

USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, Mexico & South America- USD 99 per person + Taxes ( As Applicable)

Total Workshop duration : 3 Hrs.

Clinical studies demonstrate that Sound can boost the immune system, decrease stress hormones, lower heart rate and blood pressure, and induce alpha and theta brain wave patterns, which are associated with the production of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. IASH Basic Level 1 Sound Healing and Training workshop, SOUND: The Ultimate Medicine for Body, Mind & Spirt, will use the sounds of the World’s finest therapeutic Grade Singing bowls, to build a solid foundation and proficiency in scientific understanding of their application

Combining science and ancient Vedic philosophy, Maestro Satya Brat will present critical components of the use of these ancient instruments through online practical demonstrations and in-depth analysis.
This experiential and academic adventure into some of mankind’s oldest harmonic sound instruments and indigenous sound tools will prove to be informative, insightful, and fun.
Highly recommended for Sound practitioners, Health care practitioners, Yoga teachers, Students, Teachers, Parents as well as anyone interested in using sound healing for self-care.

Who can attend this Workshop

IASH Offers world’s most mesmerising, unique & customized SOUND Wellbeing workshop for people, worldwide, as per following categories.

  • Corporate / Business Leaders & Employees
  • School Children & College Students
  • Homemakers
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Health Care Professionals
  • Deep meditation & Yoga Practitioners
  • Army / Police
  • Athletes / Sportsperson
  • Medical Doctors / Nurses
  • Spiritual Seekers
  • Anyone willing to learn & apply the life-transforming powers of SOUND for self–care.