IASH Professional level 3, Singing Bowls Sound Healing & Training Workshop, Ahmedabad, India, JULY 20-28 , 2025.


Learn & Experience the ultimate in sound healing with world’s most unique & powerful Singing Bowls, specifically developed for IASH Certified Sound healing professionals with the clinical set-up. This workshop covers the 6 vital organs of the human body to heal & help critical physical disorders related to Brain, Throat, Heart, lungs, Digestive & Reproductive organs.

This is the world’s most unique training program offered by one & only IASH in the modern world & exclusively designed for IASH SOUND healing professional for their greater success in their professional application of SOUND Medicine to heal critical physical, mental & emotional disorders.

The salient feature of IASH Professional Level 3 Training Workshop:

Learn & Experience the ultimate in sound healing with the world’s most powerful, extremely rare, Therapeutic grade  Singing Bowls, developed by IASH.

  • Brain Healing Singing Bowl
  • Throat / Thyroid healing Singing Bowl
  • Circulatory Healing Singing Bowl
  • Cardio-Vascular Healing Singing Bowl
  • Digestive Healing Singing Bowl
  • Reproductive Healing Singing Bowl
  • Huge Size Earth Gong Bell
  • Symphonic Hand Gong bell.
  1. Learn how the magical & extremely powerful IASH Level 3 Singing Bowls can help someone with Critical physical, mental, emotional disorders as well as grow spiritually.
  • Digestive Disorders: Diabetes, Jaundice, Piles / Haemorrhoids, Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS ), Ulcer, Cancer, etc.
  • Reproductive Disorders: infection, Infertility, functional problems, Tumour and Cancer ( Prostate, Ovarian, Uterine ), etc.
  • Circulatory & cardiovascular: Cardiovascular, Circulatory & Respiratory disorders including Heart problems, Asthma, Tumor & Cancer related to Lungs, Blood & Breast.
  • Thyroid: Thyroid disorder & other diseases related to Throat.
  • Brain: Stroke, Brain Tumours, Alzheimer’s disease , Cerebral Palsy, Dementia, Parkinson, Bi Polar disorder, Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD etc.
  • Advanced Cellular Detoxification: Holistic Healing approach to heal critical physical, mental & emotional disorders.
  1. Group SOUND Meditation with Singing Bowls: Experience the Mesmerising & Life transforming Meditation Session and learn how to apply this professionally.
  2. Sound healing in Water (Swimming Pool):Learn the ultimate art of relaxation & healing in   WATER with SOUND. A unique learning experience to cherish for the lifetime.
  3. Learn the science of Human Physiology Human body as per Ancient Vedic philosophy as well as modern science and application of SOUND Medicine.
Event Details

Workshop Facilitator: Maestro SATYA BRAT
1. An internationally acclaimed & world renowned authority on Sound healing.
2. Master Certified, Sound Healer & Teacher.
3. Founder & President of Academy of Sound Healing

IASH Professional level 3, Singing Bowls Sound Healing & Training Workshop, Ahmedabad, India, JULY 20-28 , 2025.

Limited Seats, Register Now !!!

Enrollment Limit: 12 participants Only.

Workshop Contribution: 89,999 + 18% GST = Rs. 1,06,199

Block your seats now by contributing just Rs.39,999 + 18% GST and pay the balance workshop fees on the 1st day at the venue.

Event Details