IASH Pro level 1 Singing Bowls Sound Healing and Training Workshop, JULY, 11-14 , 2025, Ahmedabad, INDIA

Learn the Art & Science of Sound Healing, in an Internationally Acclaimed, IASH Professional level 1 Sound Healing  & Training Workshop being offered by ” International Academy of Sound Healing ” worldwide, with tremendous success and global recognition. This Seminar will make you competent & qualified enough to apply advanced Sound healing techniques with Singing Bowls to help your family, friends with their physical & emotional distress as well as work professionally to heal & help people around you.

This workshop offers students maximum knowledge within a limited time frame & with minimum expenses.

Workshop participants will leave this workshop proficient in the use and treatment with Singing Bowls & will be able to integrate this valuable skill the very next day in their personal & professional healing work, deep yoga & meditation practice, self healing , spiritual journey & to alter their consciousness for a greater peace & happiness in life….. View More

Event Details

Workshop Facilitator: Maestro SATYA BRAT

1. An internationally acclaimed & world renowned authority on Sound healing.
2. Master Certified, Sound Healer & Teacher.
3. Founder & President of Academy of Sound Healing

IASH Pro level 1 Singing Bowls Sound Healing and Training Workshop , JULY 11-14, 2025, Ahmedabad, INDIA

Limited Seats, Register Now !!!

Enrollment Limit: 20 Participants Only.
Contribution Cost: Rs. 29,999 + 18% GST = INR 35,399

You need to pay an initial deposit for Rs. 9,999 and pay the balance workshop fees at the venue on the 1st day of the workshop.

Event Details