IASH India Advanced Level 1 Singing Bowls Sound Healing & Training Workshop, New Delhi, India, March 8 & 9 , 2025.

Learn the Art & Science of Sound Healing, in an internationally acclaimed, Advanced level 1 Sound Healing  & Training Workshop being offered by “International Academy of Sound Healing” worldwide, with global recognition. This seminar will make you competent & qualified enough to apply advanced Sound healing techniques with IASH Singing Bowls to help your family, friends with their physical & emotional distress as well as work professionally to heal & help people around you with tremendous success.

This workshop offers students maximum knowledge within a limited time frame & with minimum expenses.

Workshop participants will leave this workshop proficient in the use and treatment with Singing Bowls & will be able to integrate this valuable skill the very next day in their personal & professional healing work, deep yoga & meditation practice, self healing , spiritual journey & to alter their consciousness for a greater peace & happiness in life.

2 Days/16 hrs. Intensive Training Workshop with Certifications

Workshop Locations: India, USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, South & Central America, Mexico & Australia

Registration Eligibility: No Prerequisite & Eligibility Criteria required, Can be joined by anyone

Workshop Contribution Fees:

INDIA: INR 14999 + 18% Taxes


What You Learn:


    1. Science & philosophy of Sound Healing based on Ancient Vedic Philosophy & Modern Science.
    2. Scientific introduction to Singing Bowls: The Most Powerful SOUND Healing tool
    3. The therapeutic approach to playing Singing Bowls
    4. Professional approach to offer sound healing “one on one session” or Group of people, family/friends or thousands of People
    5. Scientific explanation, Demonstration & Hands-on Training, Question & Answer Session of each & every therapy
    6. Learn Some of the most powerful & practical IASH SOUND Therapy Protocols, developed & created by IASH over years of dedicated scientific research.
        1. IASH Brain Wave Relaxation Therapy
        2. IASH Mind Detoxification Therapy
        3. IASH Hand & foot Reflex zones Therapy
        4. IASH Aura Cleansing & Strengthening
        5. IASH Self-healing Technique
        6. IASH Group Healing Session
        7. IASH SOUND therapy protocols for General physical ailments

This Seminar will make you competent & qualified enough to work as a professional sound healer as well as help your family and friends with their physical & emotional distress.


Highly Recommended for Everyone:


    1. Health Care professionals
      ( Professionals with Medical Background )
    2. Deep Meditation & Yoga Practitioners / Trainers
    3. Sound Healers, Music Therapists, Energy Healers, Physiotherapists, Nurses, and Massage Therapists
    4. School Teachers, Spiritual Seekers, Parents, Students, Couples & Family
    5. Corporate / Business Leaders and Employees
    6. Anyone willing to apply sound healing for self-care or help family & friends with several kinds of modern lifestyle health disorders at a physical & emotional level.

No Prerequisite & Eligibility Criteria are required, Can be joined by anyone :


    • School Children & College Students
    • Homemakers
    • Parents
    • Teachers
    • Corporate / Business Leaders and Employees
    • Health Care Professionals
    • Deep meditation & Yoga Practitioners, Reiki, Pranic & Energy Healers
    • Nurses, Physiotherapists, Body Workers, Massage Therapists
    • Spiritual seekers
    • Anyone willing to learn & apply the life-transforming powers of SOUND for self-care.

IASH Advanced Level 1 Training workshop can be learned by anyone interested in the art and science of SOUND healing and is ideal for quick relief for painful and stressful health disorders. This Life transforming workshop is not just for ill people. Healthy people also derive great benefits from it, they become calmer and report higher levels of energy, as well as better sleep.

Application & Key Benefits of IASH Advanced Level Sound Healing Therapies


    • Fast and effortless achievement of the “relaxation response”
    • Gentle SOUND therapies and harmonization of all body cells
    • Relief of blockages and tension in mind and body
    • Activation and reinforcement of self-healing forces
    • Increased self-confidence
    • Enhanced creativity
    • Increased productive energy
    • Optimism and “joie de vivre”, a feeling of happiness
    • Letting go of old, outdated patterns in your life
    • The inner strength to follow on new resolutions
    • During pregnancy, it calms the mother and her unborn child and prepares both for an easier delivery with less pain
    • It has a calming effect on hyperactive children
    • Positive influence on ADD ( Attention Deficit Disorder ) and autism
    • Learning enhancement through the synchronization of the right and the left brain
    • Activates self-healing mechanism of the body
    • Promotes elimination of toxins
    • Promotes deeper and more profound sleep
    • Promotes feelings of deep abiding calm
    • Relief from pain
    • Relief from headache, fatigue, insomnia, PMS, digestive disorders, emotional imbalances, joint or muscle pain
    • Better integration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain
    • Teaches the brain to move more easily into the alpha/theta border state known as “the zone” which enhances performance in  sports and arts, and learning and memory abilities
    • Stress reduction through promoting a deep state of relaxation and endorphin release.
    • Self-healing (as opposed to curing) is the process by which an individual experiences both permanent physical recovery and spiritual growth.
    • Compliments Cancer care
    • Helps to quick smoking & addiction ( Alcohol & Drugs )
    • Aids Post Operated Recovery
    • Increases insulin production in Diabetes
    • Enhances Sleep, Increases Energy Levels
    • Help re-calibrate the central nervous system
    • Effective for Sleep, Hormonal & Digestive Disorder
    • Detoxifies and optimizes the functioning of all organs
    • Effective for Arthritis, Migraine, PMS, Back-pain & Depression
    • Effective in treating B.P. & Cholesterol levels which can be favorable changes in EEG, ECG & FMRI Measurements
    • It helps us cope on a physical, mental & emotional level by aiding our body to normalize, balance & heal itself naturally.

Salient Feature of IASH Advanced Level Sound Therapies & Training Workshop


    • Easy to Apply, Practical, Effortless, applicable in our day-to-day life.
    • All the “One on one” therapies are highly scientific, precise, simple & short-duration taking just 10 – 20 minutes, with profound healing effects, making it highly practical & most desirable healing science for every individual in the modern world.
    • Can be easily integrated with any form of modern medical science & complimentary / Alternative therapies.
    • Highly effective for self-healing as well as Healing & Helping others.
    • Immense healing benefits at physical, mental, emotional & spiritual levels.
    • Get tremendous success, personal & professional level, as a Health Care Practitioner / Sound Healer.
    • The workshop is Open for everyone & any age group. The workshop was presented & taught in such a simple & scientific manner that everybody could understand it easily and practice it.
    • This life-transforming workshop is being offered worldwide with great success and it is a 100 % money-back Guarantee workshop. If you are not happy & satisfied, Feel free to contact the workshop coordinator at the end of Day 1 for a friendly refund and you’ll get all your money back with no questions asked … It is a wonderful opportunity for each & everyone to go ahead, without any hesitation, to learn & explore the mesmerizing & life-transforming healing powers of SOUND  at both personal & professional level, in one of the world’s most unique SOUND Healing & Training workshop.
    • IASH works to provide its students ranging from Health care professionals, Spiritual masters, and musicians. yoga & meditation practitioners, Corporate, Nurses, Massage & Physiotherapists, School Students, etc. who span across the globe with the finest quality instruments that offer an oasis of tranquillity in a congested world.
    • To make sound therapy simple, cost-effective & practical, IASH offers one of the world’s finest & most powerful healing grade sets of Singing Bowls to its Advanced level students. This set consisting of a New Age healing Set  ( 3 pcs. of Singing Bowls ) + Unique meditation Singing Bowls ( 1 pc. of Singing Bowls ) + Tingsha bell + 6 pcs. of the assorted size of highly specific musical beaters + 4 pcs. of cushions. This Set comes in a nice eco-friendly Bag, total weight. approx. 8 Kg / 18 pounds. The bowls can fit inside each other and can be carried in a 12″ x 12 ” dimension bag easily. This is a scientifically created Bowl set, 100% Hand- hammered and made with the thousands of years of technique still applied by IASH master artisans. IASH artisans are inheritors of this ancient art, passed on through generations of their ancestors & have attained mastery of their art creating superior quality healing grade Singing Bowls.
      Each & every bowl is unique & is tested in terms of sizes, the thickness of rim, depth of the Bowl, finish on the body, tonal quality, sound sustenance, frequency range by IASH experts to create a perfect set of therapeutic grade Singing Bowls for IASH Sound healers & professionals.IASH Offers its bowls set directly from the SOURCE to its students across the globe with a 100 % guarantee of quality @ the most competitive retail prices than anywhere in the world. This amazing healing Set has been used by thousands of IASH-certified professionals worldwide for the last several years with tremendous success & global recognition.
    • These Bowls sets are provided to each & every student in the workshop for practice rounds and are also available for sale. Workshop participants may pre-book their Singing Bowls set & collect it at the venue to save their shipping cost. They also have the option to practice at the venue, experience its mesmerizing healing powers, and then plan to buy their bowl set.  They might have to pay extra shipping costs if the bowl set is not available at the venue and wait for a few days to get it delivered to their address.
    • Fully Practical Workshop, with lots of hands-on training and question and answer Sessions to have complete clarity & full confidence.
    • Your learning doesn’t end with the workshop. It continues even after the workshop. IASH provides a FREE online learning platform to all its students, worldwide, to learn, share & grow together. We regularly offer group meetings in different locations in the world, where you can meet your classmates & IASH SOUND family to exchange practice sessions, share your experiences, and learn from each other. You even get opportunities to refresh your class FREE of cost.




Deposit, Registration & Refund Policy:


This life-transforming 2 days weekend workshop is extremely popular, worldwide, and our seats fill quickly as soon as we announce.

When you reserve, you need to pay 50% of the workshop contribution. Upon receipt of your payment, our admin office will send you a confirmation of your deposit. Remaining workshop fee is due on the 1st day of the workshop.


We recognize that on occasion, workshop participants will book onto events and subsequently find that they are unable to attend. In these situations, we ask the participants to notify us of their need to cancel as soon as possible.

In case of any cancellation 30 days before the workshop, the participants can take full credit to the next workshop within 12 months or get a full refund.

In case of any cancellation 15 – 30 days before the workshop, the participants can take full credit to the next workshop within 12 months. No refunds will be given.

In case of any cancellation 0 – 15 days before the workshop, no refunds or credits will be given.



Event Details

Aman & Deepti
( Professionally Trained SOUND Healer & Certified Teacher by “Academy of Sound Healing” )

IASH India Advanced Level 1 Singing Bowls Sound Healing & Training Workshop, New Delhi, India, March 8-9 , 2025.

Limited Seats, Register Now !!!

Enrollment Limit: 10 Participants Only.
Contribution Cost: Rs. 14,999 + 18% GST = INR 17,699

You need to pay an initial deposit for Rs. 5000 and pay the balance workshop fees at the venue on the 1st day of the workshop.

IASH Singing Bowls Sound therapy to detox mental toxins
IASH Sound Therapy with Energy Meridian Singing Bowl
Heal Your Cells and Boost Immunity" Guided SOUND Meditation by Maestro Satya Brat
IASH Workshop Participant "Young Park" Shares her life transforming experience with SOUND healing
Event Details