Basic level 1 Online, 3 Hrs. Singing Bowls Sound Healing and Training Workshop with E-certification, India, January 5, 2024.
Learn the Art & Science of Sound Healing, in an Internationally Acclaimed, Online Basic level 1, Sound Healing & Training Workshop being offered by ” Academy of Sound Healing ” worldwide, with tremendous success and global recognition.
Clinical studies demonstrate that Sound can boost the immune system, decrease stress hormones, lower heart rate and blood pressure, and induce alpha and theta brain wave patterns, which are associated with the production of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. This workshop will use the sounds of the World’s finest therapeutic Grade Singing bowls, to build a solid foundation and proficiency in their use in self-healing and working with others.
Combining science and ancient Vedic philosophy, Maestro Satya Brat will present critical components of the use of these ancient instruments through numerous demonstrations and in-depth analysis. He will explain Harmonic Sound Therapy and how to use singing bowls, in a one-on-one session and for a group.
This experiential and academic adventure into some of mankind’s oldest harmonic sound instruments and indigenous sound tools will prove to be informative, insightful, and fun.
Highly recommended for Sound practitioners, Health care practitioners, Yoga teachers, Students, Teachers, Parents as well as anyone interested in using sound healing for self-care.
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